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Tis the season: How to stick to your tri programme

You’ve just gotten into the swing of things and your carefully considered running routine is about to be upset by school breaks, holidays and travel plans. Don’t worry though this happens to everyone! And no matter how well established your routine is, this time of year proves difficult for all.So here are tips for the festive season that you can use for either staying active or if you have an event you are training for. Then you can go and enjoy family time and Christmas pies and stress les...

December 12, 2023

Running Resilience: How to run longer without injury

Do you get knee pain when you run? Or do you get injured when you try to run longer distances? In this article I outline the general principles for how to safely increase your running mileage.Running related injuries can be common when you have had time off running or exercise (e.g because you had a baby). The excitement of getting back into things can mean you end up doing too much too soon. This can lead to niggles, which if ignored, lead to injuries.Don’t beat yourself up about it – it is...

November 21, 2023

Getting on your bike!

Getting out on your bike is one of the greatest freedoms around!  With a few tips you'll be freewheeling around the coast before you know it. Top tips: Find some mates.  The team at Kapiti Coast Cycling are always happy to welcome new riders - and there is no such thing as a dumb questions amongst friends.Get your bike serviced - make friends with your mechanic - and the team at Biking Mad are always happy to answer those weird questions.  Make sure your bike fits.  Ensu...

October 25, 2022

No Knickers! But definitely look after your girls!

Getting started in triathlon is full of adventure.  There are a few things that will help that journey be comfortable along the way....

October 25, 2022

Packing and Pre Race Prep

The day is nearly here... here's a few tips so you can get to the start line organised and low stress. A few days before Check your bike is good to go.  Any last minute issues phone the team at Biking Mad (don't leave it to the last minute so they can help)Lay out all the gear you need and check everything is how you want it (check your shoes too).  Our downloadable packing list is a great help in triple checking everything off.Organise any food you will need for race day. ...

October 25, 2022

Recovery is key to progress

Training with a good mix of hard and easy sessions will absolutely make you fitter.  However, key to this is allowing the body to recover properly between each session. (Call it Balance) Each time you stress your body - running faster, riding longer, building strength, you set it up for physiological adaptations.  When you stop, refuel well and recover, that is when that adaptation happens.  Think of it like building a house.  You build a foundation, get it settled and then b...

October 25, 2022

Swim confidently in the sea

Swimming in the pool is one thing. Swimming in the open water is another, especially the sea where you're unsure what is there There are a few different aspects to swimming in the sea that you need to be aware of, but for now, how about you just get in – get used to being in the open water if it’s not something you have done for a long time. (Make the most of our Sea Swim sessions) Try things out. Try out your goggles, the wetsuit you think you might use, or the clothing you may wear for the...

October 25, 2022

Walk, Run - Walk to your goals

Not a runner?  Can’t get your head, heart and legs around a 5km non stop run? No need!  Just take it one step at a time and move forward There is a plethora of research that demonstrates getting started (and keeping going) with a mix of walking, run walking and running is just the ticket to completing triathlon – keeping you motivated and getting you fitter! In fact –many athletes – elite or otherwise have walked in their run a full Iron Distance race – and have still won. Ke...

October 25, 2022 Posts 1-8 of 8 | Page